Flour Cask Bay Beach
A long and variable bay ranging from high to very low energy beaches, with little development other than the access road.
South Coast
A long and variable bay ranging from high to very low energy beaches, with little development other than the access road to the southern half of the bay.
Swimming is not advised at Flour Cask Bay as it is wave, rip and reef-dominated and is unsafe, while the southern half of D’Estrees Bay is too shallow and dominated by seagrass meadows and debris.
For surfing, there are remote, energetic and dangerous reef breaks along Flour Cask and northern D’Estrees Bays, with the safest surf along the central D’Estrees Bay.
Reef fishing is along Flour Cask Bay, however access is difficult.
Cape Willoughby Lightstation - Cape Willoughby Conservation Park
Situated in the easternmost point of Kangaroo Island, Cape Willoughby Lighthouse was the first lighthouse to be built in South Australia in 1852.-
Penneshaw & Dudley Peninsula
Australian Walking Company
The Australian Walking Company strive to provide unique high quality guided walks that focus on delivering an exemplary guest experience.-
West End
Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures
Let Kangaroo Island Marine Adventures show you a different side of Kangaroo Island and its wonderful marine wonderland.-
North Coast
Island Beach
Fringed by dense bush land and home to wallabies, kangaroos and Roseburg goannas. A range of bird life, including pelicans and the endangered Hooded plover.-
Penneshaw & Dudley Peninsula
Seal Bay
As Kangaroo Island's premier tourist attraction, the award winning Seal Bay offers visitors an unforgettable wildlife experience.-
South Coast
Kingscote Tidal Pool
The Kingscote Tidal Pool is located on the Kingscote Foreshore near the wharf. Sea water flows in and out of the pool.-
Return Road Hike - Flinders Chase National Park
This undulating hike follows the lightkeepers’ old cart track which transported suppliers between Harveys Return and Cape Borda.-
West End
Kangaroo Island Spirits Distillery Experiences
A Gin and Whisky Distillery with a cellar door, an interpretive garden and a full production unit with experiences and events-
Cygnet River
Kangaroo Island Sculpture Trail
The newly developed Kangaroo Island Sculpture Trail is now open and already welcoming and amazing visitors of all ages.-
Penneshaw & Dudley Peninsula
Bald Hill Walk - Cape Gantheaume Conservation Park
Bald Hill provides spectacular views overlooking Murray Lagoon and is an ideal spot to observe a variety of wetland birds.-
South Coast