Protecting our island home

Kangaroo Island’s remoteness and isolation has created a special environment, one in which our residents and local businesses want to cherish and protect. More than one-third of the island is declared as conservation or national park and has five significant wilderness protection areas. With its range of habitats, Kangaroo Island is a biodiversity hotspot and a vital stronghold for many threatened species and subspecies.

Discover the magic of our island, from its stunning natural beauty to its rich heritage. By choosing to be an eco-conscious traveller, you’ll not only create unforgettable memories but also ensure that future generations can experience the same wonder. Let’s work together to preserve Kangaroo Island for years to come.

Spotlight On

Seal Bay
  • A group of people kneeling down to look at tree planting


    Learn what our community is doing to achieve sustainable tourism on Kangaroo Island.
  • Island Guardians

    Meet our local heroes, working hard to protect our island for generations to come

How to be a good traveller

Respect the environment you're travelling in

Observe wildlife from a distance Use binoculars or a telephoto lens for amazing wildlife encounters without disturbing them

Stick to designated trails Avoid trampling on delicate vegetation and disturbing wildlife habitats

Leave nothing but footprints Ensure you take your rubbish with you and go one step further by taking every trace of rubbish you see during your visit; leave the natural environment even more beautiful than when you arrived

Conduct a beach pick-up Grab a bucket or a bag and collect rubbish that has been left or washed up along our coasts

Conserve water, especially during the warmer months Water is a precious resource on the island. Shower sparingly, re-use linen and towels and be mindful of your water usage

Avoid driving at night There is an increased risk of encountering wildlife on our roads, particularly kangaroos, which are known to be active from dusk to dawn. If you must drive during these times, use caution and drive slowly

Seek out eco and sustainable businesses

Choose eco-friendly accommodation Look for accommodation with sustainable practices and eco-accreditation

Join an eco-friendly tour Opt for experiences that minimise their environmental impact and use local guides who have an authentic connection to the island

Respect cultural heritage Learn about the island's culture and traditions

Consume local produce Enjoy fresh, local food and beverages from some of our wonderful producers, and in-turn reduce your carbon footprint

Slow travel

Embrace island time Immerse yourself amongst nature and make the move to embrace intentional travel - ride a bike, paddle a kayak, or use your own two feet wherever possible.

Explore more Kangaroo Island is bigger than most people think; plan your trip wisely and allow time to forge a deeper connection to the island