Craig Wickham

Craig Wickham, the passionate force behind Exceptional Kangaroo Island, isn't just offering tours; he's weaving a tapestry of conservation, sustainability, and community connection. Nestled on Kangaroo Island, this company isn't just focused on showing visitors a good time, they're dedicated to ensuring the island's future thrives.

Wickham's commitment shines through his company's numerous initiatives. "Wildscaping Your Tourism Business," a co-authored strategy, empowers other tourism operators to become more wildlife-focused and nature-friendly.

But their impact goes beyond guides. "Conservation Connection" directly links travellers with a network of researchers across the island, fostering understanding and appreciation for ongoing ecological projects.

Exceptional Kangaroo Island champions responsible tourism practices. They've been eco-accredited for over 25 years, demonstrating their commitment to reducing their environmental footprint. Following a "reduce, reuse, recycle" philosophy, they prioritise sustainability in every aspect of their operation.

Their leadership extends beyond their own business. Wickham played a key role in developing Australia's "Australian Wildlife Journeys" network, ensuring ethical and sustainable wildlife encounters throughout the country.

Connecting visitors to these initiatives is paramount. Guests have the option to choose experiences that embed them in the island's ecological and community fabric.

Exceptional Kangaroo Island doesn't just talk the talk, they walk the walk. Their commitment extends to public communication through social media, ongoing filmmaking, and collaboration with tourism agencies. This dedication extends beyond certifications. While they hold accreditations like EcoTourism Australia and Quality Tourism Accreditation, their true passion lies in responsible stewardship. Rebuilding after the 2019-2020 bushfires and navigating the COVID-19 pandemic showcased their resilience. Craig remained a positive voice, highlighting the island's recovery.

For Craig, being an Island Guardian is about environmental and community responsibility. He emphasises the importance of protecting the island's habitat, the visitor experience, and the local community – a philosophy deeply embedded in his business. Wickham defines "Tourism for Good" as a multi-layered concept. Tourism needs to be sustainable and provide a positive return – not just economically, but environmentally, socially, and even visitor-to-visitor.

Exceptional Kangaroo Island stands as a testament to the power of responsible tourism. By prioritising conservation, sustainability, and community connection, Craig and his team at Exceptional Kangaroo Island are inspiring others to embrace a more regenerative approach to travel and hospitality on Kangaroo Island.