Julie & Jamie, False Cape Wines

Julie and Jamie, the passionate owners of False Cape Wines, exemplify the spirit of Island Guardians. Their commitment to sustainability shines through every aspect of their vineyard and cellar door operation.

False Cape Wines operates entirely off-grid, powered solely by solar energy. "We believe in minimising our environmental impact," Julie explains. "Every small step counts, from recycling to composting and even using resident ducks and pigs to help with food waste."

Water conservation is also a top priority at False Cape Wines. They utilise rainwater for their cellar door and practice dry-grown viticulture, minimising water usage in the vineyards. "Kangaroo Island is a beautiful place," Julie says. "It's our responsibility to protect its natural resources."

Sustainability extends to the very structure of the cellar door, built with 90% recycled or reclaimed timbers. "We wanted to create a space that reflects our commitment to sustainability," Julie explains. "Every detail, from the tables to the garden, is a reflection of our values."

False Cape actively participates in conservation efforts. They monitor feral cat traps, maintain a barn owl box, and have planted over 1,000 native trees and shrubs on their property. "We believe in creating a habitat that supports wildlife," Julie says. "It's essential for the health of our ecosystem."

False Cape Wines is dedicated to connecting with visitors and educating them about their sustainability initiatives. They want their guests to understand the importance of responsible tourism. "Every visitor has the power to make a positive impact" Julie says.

False Cape Wines is actively pursuing sustainable grape growing accreditation and has already undergone a carbon audit, demonstrating their positive contribution to carbon storage. "We're proud of our progress," Julie says. "But we know there's always more we can do."

For Julie and Jamie, being Island Guardians means preserving Kangaroo Island's natural beauty for future generations. "It's a privilege to live in such a special place," Julie says. "We have a responsibility to protect it for generations to come."

False Cape Wines exemplifies "Tourism for Good" by encouraging responsible tourism and minimizing environmental impact, all while offering exceptional wines and a welcoming atmosphere.

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