SeaLink, a key provider of ferry services to Kangaroo Island, is a champion of sustainable tourism and a proud Island Guardian. Their commitment extends beyond simply transporting visitors; they actively work to preserve the island's natural wonders and empower the local community.

SeaLink supports a variety of conservation organisations, including Kangaroo Island & Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch, Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife, Flinders University, Landscape Board Kangaroo Island, as well as the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium through its sponsorship program. By supporting the Children's University Passport to Learning program, they offer young visitors engaging activities on the ferry and throughout their island stay, introducing them to Kangaroo Island's unique flora, fauna, and breathtaking landscapes.

The company actively participates in research and recovery programs, implements waste separation systems, and utilises rainwater harvesting. They also offer guided tours to educate visitors about the island's ecosystem and introduce younger visitors to the island's environment through interactive activities.

SeaLink actively promotes the conservation and regeneration initiatives they support, raising awareness among the public. They view themselves as an Island Guardian, dedicated to protecting the island's ecosystems, wildlife, and cultural heritage.

SeaLink believes in responsible tourism that benefits both the environment and the local community. They define "Tourism for Good" as a commitment to enhance, not just preserve, the destinations we share with the world, involving educating visitors about responsible travel and fostering connections with the island's natural beauty and cultural heritage. Their dedication to sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and visitor education makes them a leader in "Tourism for Good" on Kangaroo Island.