Lyn & Graham, Stranraer Homestead

Lyn and Graham, passionate landowners on Kangaroo Island, are a shining example of the island's dedicated "Island Guardians." Their property, Stranraer, is a testament to their unwavering commitment to sustainable tourism and environmental stewardship.

Since purchasing Stranraer in 1994, Lyn and Graham have embarked on a remarkable journey of ecological restoration. They have planted over 20,000 native trees, fenced off sensitive areas, and implemented sustainable farming practices. The results are evident in the thriving native flora and fauna that now call the property home.

One of their most significant achievements has been the regeneration of White Lagoon and Rush Lagoon. By fencing off these areas, they have allowed native species to naturally repopulate, leading to a remarkable increase in biodiversity.

Beyond their conservation efforts, Lyn and Graham are also dedicated to educating visitors about the importance of sustainability by sharing their knowledge through farm tours, conversations with guests, and by providing resources like Chris Baxter's book on the birdlife of Rush Lagoon.

A commitment to sustainability extends to their daily operations. Lyn and Graham use rainwater for all their needs, including domestic use and livestock watering. The cottages are designed with energy efficiency in mind, featuring double-glazed windows and strong door seals. They also recycle waste, compost organic material, and use locally sourced products to reduce their carbon footprint.

"Being an Island Guardian means that we are responsible island landowners caring for our family and guests alike," Lyn explains. "The health of our environment is always front of mind."

Lyn and Graham's dedication to 'Tourism for Good' is inspiring. By prioritising sustainability and environmental stewardship, they are not only protecting Kangaroo Island's unique ecosystems but also creating a memorable and meaningful experience for their guests. Their story serves as a powerful reminder of the positive impact that individuals can have on their communities and the planet.